
Monte Verde RV Park & Campground

Rates 2024


$50 - $65

Per night depending on site type and dates booked


$330 - $360

Per night depending on site type and dates booked


$650 - $850

Per night depending on site type and dates booked

A 12.778% GRT and lodge tax will be added to all nightly and weekly stays. Monthly rates include tax.

A $3 processing fee will be added to every reservation.

Weekly stays (6 nights plus 1) get a night for free.

Monthly rates in the summer include all utilities.

Winter monthly rates do not include electric.

For monthly stays, at 25% deposit for the 1st month of reservation will be collected at the time of booking. Upon arrival, the remainder of the 1st month will be collected during check in. Each subsequent month will be charged on the arrival date.

After checking in, no adjustments to monthly stays will qualify for refunds.

Electricity is metered from Nov 1 – May 1. A $50 electrical deposit is due at the beginning of Winter and Shoulder monthly stays, to be applied to your 1st month’s electrical bill, which is due with each subsequent month’s site dues.

Sites 21, 23, 25, 27 and 33, 34 are Buddy sites. These sites are 50 amp FHU and can accommodate any rig size.

These sites pull in opposite each other so all of you “buddies” RVing together can chill out door to door. When booking buddy sites on line, BOTH sites must be booked. If you make a reservation for 1 buddy site, you are only booking 1/2 of the buddy site.

Please note that Site 36 is our smallest pull through site, width wise, and is only 30 amp electric.

It will accommodate all rig sizes and lengths, but due to its narrowness, RV’s with slides on both sides will feel somewhat cramped. This site is best suited for 1 -2 night weekend stays when our other sites are all booked out.

We offer military, senior and 1st Responder discounts of 10% off nightly stays, not applicable to weekly or monthly.

Please note the requested discount upon check out and we will apply upon arrival pending verification.

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